
Create Message

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

Want to send a message from your bot to a specific room? No worries, here is how:

from python_webex.v1.Bot import Bot

bot = Bot()

bot.send_message(to_person_email='', text='This is some text')
# or
bot.send_message(room_id='someroomid', text='This is the text')

# you can use either `room_id` will be given priority over `to_person_email` when both are used at the same time. 

Attach files with message

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

To attach a files when sending a message, do this:

from python_webex.v1.Bot import Bot

bot = Bot()

bot.send_message(room_id='room-id', text='I am sending a file', files=[''])

Note the files parameter may be a list, but only one field is allowed. Why Exactly? No Idea, ask Webex. And also you can only keep URI's on the files field and not a path to a file in a local directory.

Send message with Markdown

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

When we want to style our messages e.g using bold, italivs and so on, we can use markups. Have a look here to read more about how markups work.

So, this is how we can send a markup:

from python_webex.v1.Bot import Bot

bot = Bot()

markdown = """
*This is italic*\n
**This is bold**\n
`This looks like code`
    to_person_email="", markdown = markdown

Get messages

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

This lists all the messages that have been received by the bot on a specific room.

This is how we can get these details:

from python_webex.v1.Bot import Bot
from pprint import pprint

bot = Bot()


Get Direct Messages

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

Gets a list of all messages sent in 1:1 rooms. This is basically a list of all the bot's DMs with a particular individual, done by providing the person's ID.

This is how this is done:

from python_webex.v1.Bot import Bot
from pprint import pprint

bot = Bot()


Get Message Details

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

Gives you details about a specific message with ID message-id

from python_webex.v1.Bot import Bot
from pprint import pprint

bot = Bot()


Delete Message

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

Deletes a specific message with ID message-id

from python_webex.v1.Bot import Bot
from pprint import pprint

bot = Bot()


Setup Webhook for incoming messages

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

If your bot need to be constantly listening for incoming messages, you need to set up a webhook. To set up a webhook, you need an address that is available via the public internet. You can use ngrok for this.

If you have ngrok downloaded, type ./ngrok http 5000 if you are on Linux. Otherwise, type ngrok.exe http 5000 if you are on Windows. This will give you an output as such:

Session Expires               7 hours, 6 minutes                                
Version                       2.3.35                                            
Region                        United States (us)                                
Web Interface                                    
Forwarding           -> http://localhost:5000 
Forwarding           -> http://localhost:5000

Now, you can open up your text editor and type in the following:

from python_webex.v1.Bot import Bot
from python_webex import webhook

bot = Bot()
    name='some-normal-webhook', target_url='', resource='messages', event='created'
) = bot

if __name__ == "__main__":

You willl now be constantly listening for any incoming message via the message that has been sent to the bot.

Set default action for incoming message

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

When you receive a message, it normally comes with text. The following is how to set a default response whatever text is sent to the bot:

from python_webex.v1.Bot import Bot

bot = Bot()

def default_on_hears_function(room_id=None):
    bot.send_message(room_id=room_id, text="This is the default response for the message that has been sent")

Set default listener for incoming files

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

You want your bot to receive files? So do many other people.

We need to have a way to handle how these files are received and handled. So here is how we set the default function for handling incoming files:

from python_webex.v1.Bot import Bot
from python_webex import webhook

bot = Bot()

def default_file_response(files, room_id=None):
    bot.send_message(room_id=room_id, text='this is the default response for an attached file') = bot

if __name__ == "__main__":

If you need to attach anything in the response, refer to the previous tutorial about attaching files with messages

Set listener for specific text attached with file

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

What do you do when someone send you a file attached with a specific set of text, and you do know what you need your bot to do at this point:

from python_webex.v1.Bot import Bot
from python_webex import webhook

bot = Bot()

@bot.set_file_action("This is me")
def custom_response(room_id=None, files=None):
    bot.send_message(room_id=room_id, text="You look amazing") = bot

if __name__ == "__main__":

In def custom_response(room_id=None, files=None):, files represent a list of the files being sent to the bot.