
Create & Send Blank Card

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

Cards are meant to increase interactivity during the chat. They can be used, for example to send a form that the bot would like an end user to respond to. In this instance, we are sending a blank card to the user, which is pretty much useless. This can

from python.webex.v1.Card import Card
from python.webex.v1.Bot import Bot

bot = Bot()

card = Card()

bot.send_card(card=card, room_id="room-id")

Add text items on the card

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

The card we just sent above is pretty much useless. If we are to send a card, the user needs to be able to interact with the card and the bot should be able to read whatever has been input on the user side.

from python_webex.v1.Card import Card
from python_webex.v1.Bot import Bot

bot = Bot()

    name='attachment-response-2', target_url="[your-bot-url]/attachment-response", resource="attachmentActions", event="created"

Card = Card()
bot.send_card(card=card, room_id='room-id')

Create Card Webhook

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

Here, we create a webhook for the card responses. For instance, if one fills a form that has been sent on a card, the response will be sent to the specific webhook.

from python_webex.v1.Card import Card
from python_webex.v1.Bot import Bot

bot = Bot()

    name='attachment-response-2', target_url="[your-bot-url]/attachment-response", resource="attachmentActions", event="created"

Note: always make sure to setup this webhook to be whatever link you will be using and append /attachment-response to it. For example, if you are using '', your value on target_url will be ''

Listen for response on card

Always remember that you need to have already set the value auth_token as your bot's Access token before you run this any of the other examples on this tutorial.

Now, what happens when the user has filled a card form and the response has been sent to the webhook, how do we get the information about the card that has been filled from our end?

Here is how:

from python_webex.v1.Card import Card
from python_webex.v1.Bot imporrt Bot
from pprint import pprint
from python_webex import webhook

bot = Bot()
card = Card()

    input_id="first-name-input", input_placeholder="First Name"

    input_id="last-name-input", input_placeholder="Last Name"


message = bot.send_card(card=card, room_id="room-id")
message_id = message.json()['id']

def respond_to_card(msg):
    pprint(msg) = bot

if __name__ == "__main__":